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Mailbox Rental Business Checklist

Use the following checklist to help decide if you are ready to employ the services of a mailbox rental business:

· Can you handle the amount of mail your business receives daily?
· Are you always available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to receive mail?
· Were important packages you expected to receive ever sent back to the addressee?
· Do you feel that the professional handling of your business’s daily mail could polish the company's image?
· Have important mails or packages ever been stolen from your P.O. box?
· Do you feel that your deliveries require more security than that of an unguarded P.O. Box?
· Have you ever run into difficulties receiving mail from certain couriers or shipping services such as UPS or FedEx?

The following is a practical checklist that consumers can refer to once hiring the services of a Mailbox Rental Business:

· Construct a detailed list of services you would require from a Mailbox Rental Business!
· Make certain that the basic services offered include mail notification or “check-in” function in order to save you some time!
· Find out about extra services and the costs associated with them!
· Determine whether the business’s opening hours are in accordance with your requirements!
· Ask how the mailbox rental fee is collected and what repercussions would follow in case of overdue payments!

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I immediately got a call from a moving company who was very professional. We've had good communication, the survey was punctual and they returned a quotation the following day as promised. So far, so good!

Kate, Buyer
Adelaide, Australia

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