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Event Planning Software Terminology

The cost or effort associated with tasks.
Bottom-Up Estimating: Estimating the size and budget of a planned event and the risks involved with it.
Budget: The approximated expense and income of a project.
Change Control: Adjusting any budget or schedule related changes to the plan.
Client: The beneficiary of the planned event.
Closing: The official reference to bringing an event to an orderly end.
Dependency: Refers to the relationship between two or more tasks/ activities.
Duration: The length of time required for an activity.
Float: Planned time for slips in a project that would still not result in serious delays.
Goods: Any merchandise or commodities required to complete a project.
Management Reserve: Budget allocated for unpredictable expenses.
Murphy's Laws: The "monster" of all event planners; a set of laws regarding the perverse nature of things.
Predecessor Task: A task or activity that must be completed before any other task can be performed.
Product: The outcome of an event.
Resource: Human resources, tools, facilities used in executing a project.
Risk Planning: The identification of actions required to reduce risks within a project.
Scope: The total assembly of deliverables to be produced by a project.
Stakeholder: Anybody with a stake in the planned event.
Variance: The difference between approximated size and cost of an event and its actual outcome.

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