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Flash Web Design Checklist

Choosing a company for your flash web design can be very cumbersome. If you search the internet for flash web design companies, you will find hundreds of websites that offer this service. So how do you make the right choice? We suggest preparing a checklist of all of the things you require and compare it with the search results that look the most appealing to you.

Here is a checklist of items you should be looking for when considering the right flash web design company to hire. It is not a complete list, by any means, but it's enough to get you started on the right track.

· You might be thinking that you should choose a flash web design company that is geographically close to you. This is not necessarily true, as this type of service is something that can be established and maintained from anywhere in the world.
· While you are searching for a flash web design company, make sure to click on their "portfolio" or "latest works" tab. This will showcase their experience and give you a glance of their work styles and scope. You want to make sure that the Flash design company's samples are state of the art and on the cutting edge of today's technology, as what they produce will represent your presence on the web.
· Make sure they offer the best solutions for you and your organization. The flash web design company should ultimately provide you with the most effective marketing identity. If the flash web design company has this in mind, you will feel very confident that they will create a unique design for you and you will also feel comfortable utilizing their services.
· The flash web design company that you ultimately choose should walk you through several steps. They should provide you with (at minimum) the following steps:
 a. Provide a written proposal
 b. Talk to you about your objectives
 c. Provide written script of your objectives and graphic designs to choose from
 d. A storyboard with designs you have chosen and a script for your approval
 e. After everything is done they should provide you with the media (in CD form or posted on the internet for you to utilize)

Again, these are but a few guidelines to follow in retaining a flash web design company. By making sure they meet your criteria, you will be assured the best web presence possible.

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