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Document Shredding Company Checklist

Use the following checklist to help decide if hiring the services of a Document Shredding Company is the right solution for you:

· Do you run into difficulties when intending to destroy unwanted documents?
· Do you feel that that the office's simple paper shredder cannot handle the amount of documents?
· Does your company produce a large volume of documents that need to be eliminated at a later stage?
· Is the security of confidential information a priority in your business?
· Do you require the secure shredding of additional non-fiber products (such as videotapes, DVD's)?
· Are you supporting the recycling of shredded products?

Practical tips to follow once opting for the services of a Document Shredding Company:

· Inquire about the company's security policy!
· Make sure that the document shredding company of your choice has the capacity for shredding the given volume of papers!
· Learn about paper-shredders available in the market and opt for a company with a suitable technological background!
· Decide whether on-site or offs-site shredding options would best suit your needs and select a service accordingly!
· In case you have non-fiber product shredding requirements, ascertain that the service of your choice can perform these tasks!
· Demand some sort of official proof of the documents' destruction; let that be a tape, a time stamp or any other form of legally acceptable documentation.

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We needed to outsource some pre-sales work to a telemarketing company and I dreaded the search process. I knew it could take days to find companies, and then repeat my basic needs to each and every one. Filling out your form and having them come to me was a huge time saver. I hired a company in a week and so far we've been very pleased with the results.

Stephen, Buyer
New York, USA

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