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HR Outsourcing Services Checklist

Use the following checklist to help decide if hiring HR Outsourcing Services is the right solution for you:
· Are legal and administrative matters professionally handled at your company?
· Do you feel that your employees are well motivated and efficiently contribute to company growth?
· Do you find the hiring and firing process time-consuming and often unpleasant?
· Does your company fully comply with the country's labor laws?
· Does your business pay attention to creating attractive retirement plans and pension benefits?
· Do you feel that both employers and employees would benefit from moral-boosting team building events?
· Do you find that in–house HR outsourcing is a time- and money-consuming alternative?
· Do you feel that the legal administrative "nonsense" associated with work shifts your focus from company priorities?

Practical tips to follow once opting for the HR Outsourcing Services of a company:
· Create a list of your company's legal and administrative weaknesses!
· Approach HR outsourcing services specialized in your company's field of expertise!
· You should determine the extent of services you plan to outsource and not the service provider!
· Opt for human resource agencies that have at least a few years of experience in the field!
· It is not a prerequisite, but rather advisable to have good chemistry with the HR consultant.
· Search the market for HR outsourcing firms that offer a variety of quality services within your price-range!>

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