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Overseas Removals and Children

Overseas removals can be trying on the best of us, however, as adult we have the tools to cope with such change and upheaval. Children are not so lucky. When children must undergo an overseas removal it can be a very difficult transition for them to make. The best way to minimize the trauma and stress that they will feel is to include them in every step of the decision-making process. While you, as the parent, will obviously have the final say in what is done, by including your children they will feel involved and important.

One good way of getting children to look forward to the move is to get them excited about it. By talking to them about the move as an adventure, a chance to make new friends, meet new people and have new experiences you will help them to see the positive aspects of moving to a new country.

If the place to which you are moving has a different official language, then enrolling your children in a language program to give them the basics and a foundation for the language is very important. If your children know the language then they will be able to fit in with local children more easily.

If you have the means to do so, take your children on a visit to the new country before you move. Half the resistance to moving to a new place is fear of the unknown. By visiting the sights and showing them around your children will not be so fearful of what they do not know. If you already know the city in which you will be posted or to which you want to move, then concentrate on taking them around that city. Go to the local library. Take them to the cinema. Show them the schools that they might attend and ask them if they have a preference.

Children will also feel sadness at leaving family and friends behind. To help them over come these feelings help them put together an album of all their loved ones. Include the phone numbers, email addresses and other contact information in the album so that they can keep in touch with them. Then after you have moved set up weekly call sessions – either through free online communication devices or through email. Have your children write letters and allow them to call whenever they want. Your children will feel more empowered and less isolated than if they just left everyone behind.

When you have settled into your new home try to get your children to make new friends by enrolling them in playgroups, afterschool activities or taking them to places where they have a chance to meet and interact with other children.

Lastly, encourage your children to keep a journal about the adventure of an overseas removal. By writing down their thoughts and feelings they will be able to better articulate what they are going through.

Children are definitely resilient and are able to adapt to change quite well. However, if you are worried about what an overseas removal might mean for your children, then following the suggestions in this article will certainly help you navigate those choppy waters.

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