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Direct Mail Advertising Terminology

Address accuracy: The level of accuracy a database holds, estimated based on matching data when compared to a national address database.
Benefits: A description of advantages the prospect can experience that comes with using the given product.
Bind-in: A form of promotional response usually stitched in magazines.
Circulation: The number of copies distributed of a print publication.
Combination: A form of direct mail advertising in which more than one product or service is offered.
Feature: An advantage built into the product.
Hotline List: Names that have been freshly (within three months) added to the list.
Inquiry: A prospect requesting more information about the specific product or service.
Lettershop: An advertising service that prepares and assembles direct mail packages.
Multiple Buyer (or Multi-Buyer): Term referring to returning customers.
Package: The complete promotional mailing.
Teaser Copy: Words printed usually on the envelope, that arouse readers’ curiosity in reading further.
Universe: All entities and businesses included in a mailing list.

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