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Telemarketing Checklist

The following is a checklist that consumers can use when trying to decide whether they should consider hiring a telemarketing firm. The more questions that the consumer answers with yes, the greater the justification for hiring an outbound call center.

· If your company was to handle its own telemarketing responsibilities, would it require the hiring and training of additional staff?
· Would it facilitate your company's sales if your salespeople could focus on closing leads as opposed to performing cold calls?
· Is there a large portion of your company's consumer demographic that you are unable to reach?
· Is your company's consumer demographic too big to handle on your own?
· Do you not have sufficient workspace to incorporate call centers and the staff they require?
· Would outbound call center services, that include script writing and call training, be an asset to your business?
· Is it important for the people that handle your telemarketing to have experience in the field?
· Are the turnover rates of your telemarketers affecting your company's ability to handle its sales responsibilities?
· Your telemarketing requires the capacity to work 24x7.

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I had to put some items in storage and didn't know how to choose the best place. Within minutes I received a few phone calls from companies who were happy to help me. What a relief it was to discover this system!

Adrian, Buyer
Devon, UK

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