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Pay Per Click Marketing Terminology

Understanding pay per click marketing can be challenging. To make it worse, there are a number of terms used when creating an ad campaign through a PPC provider. You must understand these terms to ensure your ad is performing effectively. Therefore, to utilize a PPC marketing campaign to its full advantage, you must really increase your knowledge of these terms.

PPC keyword: The search term that you would bid on to correlate with your ad. This term is what the online public searches for in the search engines and the term is used for your ad to show up on the search engine results.
Pay per click marketing: Is more successful if the correct keywords are chosen for your ad campaign.
Cost per click: Also known as CPC, means exactly what it states. It is the amount an advertiser will pay for an ad to be clicked on when implementing a PPC marketing campaign. In other words, you will have to pay the CPC for the amount you bided on a particular search term.
PPC impression: Another popular term used in utilizing a PPC marketing program. What a pay per click impression means is that it is the number of times an ad shows up from a particular search term on a search engine result page.

When a click turns into an action such as a visitors providing information, a product being sold, or a specific page being viewed, it is known as a conversion to the PPC marketing provider. It is up to the advertiser to distinguish what this conversion means. You will want to know what your conversions are being calculated as in order to run a successful pay per click marketing campaign.

Out of all terms associated with executing a pay per click marketing campaign, it is very critical for you to know what your pay per click ROI, return on investment is. This is the amount that you have made after paying for all of your clicks associated with your PPC marketing efforts. Your return on investment should be positive and if it isn't then you will want to analyze and evaluate what is causing it to not be profitable. Understanding how to do PPC marketing can be a challenge, yet if you do your homework, you can be an expert in this field and be on your way to promoting many successful websites.

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