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Cleaning Service Business Checklist

Use the following checklist to help decide if you are ready to hire the services a Cleaning Service Business:

· Do you feel that your home needs the professional touch of a cleaning service?
· Are you concerned that cleaning and other domestic chores take away your precious time from important matters? Do you think that your decreased tasks around the house would help you work more efficiently?
· Is your office clean and organized?
· Do you agree with the fact that a tidy office also projects professional conduct?
· Would you be interested in finding a cost-effective solution for a clean and healthy working environment?

The following is a practical checklist that consumers can refer to once hiring the services of a Cleaning Service Business:

· Request the company for a list of current clients you may approach with your questions!
· Inquire about the company policy regarding payments, cancellations and guarantees!
· Ask for a valid insurance policy!
· Make sure the cleaning service of your choice has a checklist of services and prices in order to avoid running into unforeseen expenses!
· Check whether a supply of detergents is provided by the cleaning service!
· Figure out how much money you can afford to allocate for this service on a monthly basis and select accordingly!

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The form was easy to fill out and took only a few minutes. It was easy for me to find the service I needed, and I quickly heard from a couple of helpful companies.

Angelica, Buyer
Milan, Italy

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