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Commercial Cleaning Service Terminology

Acrylic Floor Finish: A water based product that dries glossy.
All Purpose Cleaner: Detergent suitable for general household cleaning.
Anhydrous Soap: Soap without water.
Bleach: Cleaning products used for removing stains and whitening fabric.
Buffing: Polishing with a piece of cloth or brush.
Cationic Surfactant: Disinfectants and sanitizers.
Concentrate: Undiluted cleaning product.
Corrosion Inhibitor: Cleaning substance forming a cover on surfaces thereby protecting them from wearing away.
Dilute: Adding water to a concentrate for a milder effect.
Disinfectant: Spray, liquid or powder that destroys bacteria and viruses.
Emulsification: Detergent that break up oils and fats.
Finish: Protective top coat.
Hand Cleanser: Product that removes dirt and grease from the hands.
Mild Cleaner: A substance that gently cleans surfaces.
Pine Oil: A product of gum trees, used in cleaning of hard surfaces.
Sanitizer: Bacteria reducing agent.
Virucide: A virus killing chemical agent.
Wax: Protective, glossy coating for hard surfaces.

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Milan, Italy

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